Bass Vst For Mac

Bass Vst For Mac

Mac OS X 10.7 or higher (we also provide Ample Bass I for Mac 10.6 users), Intel-based Mac with 2 GB RAM. AU, VST, AAX or RTAS host application and professional sound card recommended. Free audio mixer for mac. Stand-alone version included. Download Ample Bass P Lite II Now. 32bit AAX AU bass fender guitar mac pc RTAS synth VST. Ample Bass P Lite II aim to bring the Fender Precision Bass sound to your studio. 130428 views 7 comments 3 months ago Developer: Ample Sound Type: Instrument OS: Win 32Bit, Win 64Bit, Mac 32Bit, Mac 64Bit Format: VST Tags: Guitar Synth.

  1. FM bass synthesizer VSTi plugin specialized for creating bass sounds which can be used in various sub genres of dance music. Donk Machine 2 is an FM synthesizer featuring four main oscillators and one sub oscillator with variable modulation amounts and decay/sustain envelopes per oscillator.
  2. Guitar/Bass Amp and FX Modeling Software with Hardware Integration, Easy Workflow, and Support of 3rd Party Impulse Response, Must Own Helix or Helix Rack to Register - Mac/PC AAX, VST, AU $ 99.99 Or $5 /month § for 24 months.

FM bass synthesizer VSTi plugin specialized for creating bass sounds which can be used in various sub genres of dance music.

Donk Machine 2 is an FM synthesizer featuring four main oscillators and one sub oscillator with variable modulation amounts and decay/sustain envelopes per oscillator. The plugin also features a global amplitude envelope and a useful FX section consisting of a distortion module, reverb, bitcrusher, a tilt equalizer and a handy master compressor for shaping the sound on the output.


Bass Vst For Mac Keyboard

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Bass Guitar Vst For Mac


  • Windows
  • 32bit VST

Bass Vst For Mac

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